It's true, you know. It's the happiest! Unless you're a crankpot who thinks Disneyland is just an overcrowded expensive waste of time and money. Then it's not happy at all.
If you're one of those people, I'm not sure why you'd be reading this blog. Maybe you'll read some things here that will change your mind. Maybe my tips and tricks will be SO amazing that your opinions on Disneyland and therefore your entire life will forever be changed.
Okay okay. Not likely. If you hate Disneyland, stop reading. If you love Disneyland, or WANT to love Disneyland, this blog's for you!
I had a friend recently ask me for my top 10 "must do's" at Disneyland, as she is planning a trip and hasn't been in so many years she can remember nothing. As an annual passholder, my husband and I frequent Dland up to 6 times a year, from Sacramento, and, while not actual obsessive fans, have a pretty good understand of what we like to do while we're there.
Since I'm such a superfan, instead of just making a list of top 10 must do's, I split it up- 10 tips/suggestions, and my top 10 favorite rides. There was just no way to put them together into a single list. If you have anything to add, if I've provided incorrect information, or if you just flat out disagree- let me know in the comments! I'm not claiming to be all-knowing, I'm no Walt, so if I'm wrong call me out!
Otherwise, I hope this list helps at least one person have an even more amazing Disney experience!
Top 10 Tips and Tricks for Surviving and Actually Enjoying Disneyland:
1. Use the right parking lot. Until our last trip to Disneyland, we were right along with everyone else, piling into the huge parking garage, waiting for the Mickey and Friends tram, cramming inside of the tram and slowly making our way into Disneyland. Half the time I was already tired and annoyed, since to get from your car TO the tram is like a mile through the freaking garage, down escalators packed with children and strollers, and then the walk from the tram dropoff to the actual park entrance isn't a leisurely stroll either. But our last trip, everything changed. We found a new parking lot. The Toy Story parking lot, while not quite as close to the main entrance, is smaller, not as crowded, and best of all- no trams. You are picked up in buses, just like a regular ol' public transit bus, and are zoomed over to the park, and dropped off at a much closer entrance than the mickey tram. Buses seem to come and go more often so you're not waiting long and there's rarely a line. Your parking space is MUCH closer to the bus stop, preventing the early morning "i just walked a mile to get TO the park" crankiness, and believe me you want to avoid this at all costs. Parking is the same in both lots, and your parking pass enables you to come and leave as often as you want during the day- another tidbit if you have cranky kids who will need an afternoon nap, or if you're cranky adults who will want to go home, change, and relax before pushing on for the evening.
Parking information can be found here: https://disneyland.disney.go.com/guest-services/parking/
2. Download wait time apps. Wait time apps can be extremely helpful when determining where to go next, what's going to the best use of your time, and whether to leave one park and visit another or stick around for a while.
The apps I never enter the park without are Disneyland Wait Times and Mousewait. Both are updated constantly, by people in the park, and display wait times for every ride, and many eateries, throughout the park. So, if you're not sure whether to walk aaaalll the way from Frontierland back to Tomorrowland to hop on Star Tours- check your apps. If the wait times are both showing over 45 minutes, you may say forget it and get on Splash Mountain first and let the line die down before making the trek. But if you see that suddenly Space Mountain is in a lull and the wait time is only 20 minutes, you know it's about that time to hightail it over there and take advantage!
Here's a great link I found for some additional apps, some I haven't tried or even heard of before! If you use one of these, let us know what you think and why you like it!
3. Utilize your FASTPASS. Fastpasses are just one of Disneyland's many gifts to the visitor. USE THEM. People who say oh, I don't use a fastpass, they're unecessary- those people are crazy. Silly. Absurd. Use them even if the park is so slow you don't really NEED to. It's a free trip to the front (okay, frontish) of the line! Why pass this up!!
Your fastpass will look like your entrance ticket, and you'll get one by popping your Disneyland ticket into a fastpass machine located near the line entrance at the corresponding ride. Above the fastpass area you will see the return time for the fastpass- the time you're allowed to come back and use the pass. If the timing will work for you, grab a pass! Your pass will also have return times printed on them, although you can really come back anytime after the original time it's available.
You will also see that it states "Another FASTPASS ticket will be available after 7:05pm." This is when you can add another Fastpass to your pocket, from any ride, so you can accumulate them throughout the day. So at 7:10 you can stop by Indiana Jones and grab a Fastpass for that for later in the evening as well. This does mean you can't have unlimited amounts of Fastpasses building up all day long, so that's when your strategy comes into play. Get Fastpasses early in the day, to be used in the afternoon or evening, for rides that get busy QUICK (Indiana Jones, Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, etc). Pay attention to when you can get another one and get one as soon as you can. It'll make riding rides later in the day, when you're tired, it's super busy, and you just don't want to wait an hour for a 3 minute ride, a whole lot more enjoyable! We usually get a Fastpass as soon as we get to the park, just find a ride, grab a Fastpass, and then, if it's not too busy, hop on the ride right away too! You'll guarantee two stops at the ride that day and if you're there first thing in the morning, you'll probably avoid a big line both times!
4. Find the Single Rider Lines. For many rides, where an odd number of persons fit in each row, sled, or car, single rider lines may be available. This line is used to fill empty spaces remaining on a ride and often times you can be seated and riding the ride much more quickly than committing to all ride together.
If you don't mind sitting separately from your group, I highly recommend the single rider line- especially if you plan on visiting the ride more than once, do the ride one time together, one time separately- save your time for a longer line that doesn't offer single rider!
Here are the rides that offer single riders:
- Radiator Springs Racers
-Matterhorn Bobsleds
-Goofy's Sky School
-California Screamin'
-Grizzly River Run
-Soarin' Over California
-Splash Mountain
-Indiana Jones Adventure
Radiator Springs is the only ride that clearly displays the single rider line, since it is utilized so highly and actually has a wait time listed on most apps. While the wait time can still be 30-50 minutes, it is much more tolerable than waiting in the average 90-120 minute "regular" line for this ride. For the rest of the rides, just ask a cast member near the start of the line if you can do single rider- they will hand you a single rider pass and direct you to a special, probably much shorter line. Then you'll wait. For the Matterhorn, for example, sleds are single file and fit 6 people total in two sleds linked together. This means that if they have sets of 2 or 3 people, there may be an extra space left in a sled. They will then pull from the single rider line to fill the final spot, therefore making your wait much shorter- especially since the Matterhorn doesn't do Fastpasses, and can get backed up for over an hour on a normal day.
5. Take advantage of performance times. When everyone else is watching the parade, settling in for fireworks, or herding down to World of Color, what happens to the rides? The lines get shorter. They get lonely. And they're just waiting for you to come find them! Take advantage of these times. Check your apps and see what areas of the park seem to be thinning out, and then head over there for shorter wait times and knock out a few rides while everyone else is distracted. If you want to see these performances and events, why not check those out one day, and then the next day, since they're now yesterday's news, check out some additional rides instead?
A list of the events for the day can be found on your map when you enter the park, but are also located on Disneyland's website if you want to plan ahead: https://disneyland.disney.go.com/entertainment/
6. Relax when you're tired. The worst thing you do when you hit the Disneyland wall is try to push through it anyway and keep sprinting around the park. You'll end up too exhausted to enjoy ANYthing and you might not even want to come back the next day. So, when you're tired, you need a break, you need a breather- take one! If that means going back to your car, driving back to your hotel room, taking off your shoes and taking a nap, do it! Remember, your parking pass is good for unlimited entry and exists that day, so you can do this if you want! We usually leave the park in the afternoon, change clothes, relax, and eat dinner outside of the park before returning in the evening- you'd be amazed the kind of rejuvenation just a few hours outside of the park can give you. You'll end up getting more done in those last few hours than if you had stayed and walked around like a zombie the whole time.
If you're looking for a shorter, more immediate way to relax, there are a few things to check out within the park that can be the answer. Riding the train all around the park can be a great way to still see the sights and be in the action, without having to actually move. Hop on wherever the line is short, and ride it all around and hop back off! Or, if you're like me, ride it around and around and around until you clearly can't get away with staying on it any longer......
A great ride to relax on when you're feeling exhausted is Pirates of Caribbean. The line queue usually moves rather quickly, and at a whopping 15 minutes long, the ride is one of the longest in the park. It's also very relaxing, with dips only at the very beginning of the ride- then settle down into the dark, starry atmosphere and take a nap!
One more experience to consider when your feet just won't walk another step is the Disneyland Animation Academy. Located in California Adventure in Hollywood Land, you are seated in comfy, padded seats in an air conditioned room, given a pencil and large drawing board, then taken step by step through the drawing of a Disney character by an actual animation specialist for Disney. The experience takes maybe 20 minutes, and you get to take your picture home with you if you'd like. Quiet, relaxing experience with a built-in souvenir! Win-win.
7. EAT A HOT LINK CORNDOG. If you do nothing else on this blog, follow this one piece of advice and eat a hot link corndog from the Corn Dog Castle. Location in California Adventure, you'll find this opposite the area where the Jumpin Jellyfish ride is- this is the best navigation I can give you for now, after you find it once and fall in love you'll know exactly how to beeline there without seeing another attraction at all. These corndogs are the best things I have ever eaten. One corndog comes with potato chips and gets you a full meal for under $10- quite a feat for Disneyland.
8. Get a Boysen Apple Freeze. Yes, you're sensing a theme. I'm finishing out this blog with my favorite foods from the park, ones we never miss. First was the hot link corndog that dreams are made of. Now I will force you to try a Boysen Apple Freeze, which in my opinion is the best frozen drink you can find at Disneyland- yes, even better than the Dole Whip- Bo-ring!
9. Try a peanut butter sandwich from the store at Pooh Corner. Seriously, these things are so good- and not all that expensive, for Disneyland. They are hefty and pack a punch that will satisfy your sweet tooth for hours. A crunchy graham cracker is topped with creamy peanut butter, then the whole thing is dipped into luscious milk chocolate and sold to you for a mere $3.95 a piece.
The corner pieces may seem a little heavy on the chocolate, since it's filling in corners where the peanut butter may not have completely matched with the graham- keep eating, it gets tastier and tastier with each bite! Hop off the Pooh ride and head straight into the store to grab one of these for yourself- trust me, you won't be disappointed!
10. HAVE FUN. If you do nothing else, remember to have fun in Disneyland!! Don't get bogged down by the crowds, the lines, checking your app every 10 seconds for wait times- remember you are there to enjoy yourself and take in the sights! Forget everything you've read, heard, or thought about Disneyland if you have to- including this amazing blog. Take pictures, wait in lines too long to be worth the ride, forget all about your Fastpasses for a day if it helps you experience Disneyland with the least amount of stress! Don't worry about getting to everything in a day- just walking around Disneyland is a memorable and wonderful experience in itself. Don't forget that!!
Top 10 Rides I Would Never Miss:
These are going to be controversial, since my list doesn't include some of the most beloved rides in the park. Just remember these are MY favorites- feel free to describe your favorites in comments below!!
1. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad- I could write a whole blog about how awesome this ride is. It's a roller coaster, and may frighten the little ones, so I would recommend this for mature riders only. It is, however, the most fun ride in the park, and will leave you wanting to hop right back in line for another ride.

Location: Frontierland
Fastpass available: Yes
Ride Duration: 3.5 Minutes
2. Pirates of the Caribbean- I mentioned this ride earlier, in the tips section, and it really is a great ride and one not to miss if it's open. At a whopping 15 minutes long, the ride is well worth the wait and is calm and beautiful- it's a boat ride that takes you through the land of the Pirates with soothing music, a black sky and twinkling stars that will lull you to sleep if you're not careful. With only one slight dip at the beginning, this ride should be fine for most ages and should be enjoyable for all!
Location: New Orleans Square
Fastpass Available: No
Ride Duration: 15 Minutes
3. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh- I know what you're thinking- Pooh, really? But I have this soft spot in my heart for this ride. The line is never more than about 5 minutes long, so you can easily justify hopping on, and once you settle into your honeypot (it's fun to guess whose pot you'll get too, as they all have character names) you slowly ramble through a short ride with Pooh music and a story to go with it. The only sort of weird part is the Heffalumps and Woozles section, where you might feel like you're on drugs with all the flourescent shapes and colors, but if you've seen the movie it'll make sense anyway. Kids love this ride, since what child doesn't love Winnie the Pooh, and it's calm enough for all ages. Once you hop off the ride, you're forced to walk through the store, where you can pick up a peanut butter sandwich (see #9 tip) and then you'll realize why this ride is so wonderful.

Location: Critter Country
Fastpass Available: No
Ride Duration: 4 Minutes
4. King Arthur Carrousel- This carousel, located in Fantasyland, is a traditional carousel filled with beautiful horses of all shapes and colors. The even cooler part about this ride is that there is a special horse, dedicated to Julie Andrews! I try to get it every time and every time some bratty little kid jumps on her first :( someday!!!! Try and get it if you can (pictured below, it has several features to make it stand out as the carrousel's lead horse)! It's a fun way to feel like a kid again, hopping onto that horse and going up and down in circles- trust me, it'll be more fun than you think! If you're a sleeping beauty fan, as I am, you'll like this ride even more, as the inside panels are hand painted with scenes from the movie.
Location: Fantasyland
Fastpass Available: No
Ride Duration: 3 Minutes
5. Space Mountain- Another fast passed, adults and big kids only ride, Space Mountain is a roller coaster that takes you through "space," i.e. a dark room where all you see are stars in distant galaxies. You experience quick turns and several drops, so again- mature riders only, and only those not afraid of the dark. If you are up for a fun and "scary" experience, Space Mountain is going to be your ride, although I highly recommend getting a Fastpass, as the line for this one gets up to 40 minutes quick and never really lets up!
Location: Tomorrowland
Fastpass Available: Yes, and USE IT
Ride Duration: 5 Minutes
6. Matterhorn Bobsleds- The Matterhorn is a classic ride, and it shows. It needs a refurb bad, specifically in the actual seats- they have no cushioning, and your bottom and sides may end up hurting after this ride. Why, then, would this ride even make it on my list? Because, if you ignore the discomfort, this ride is FUN! It's a roller coaster type ride, but without any significant drops or scary fast turns. It gets up in speed, you're shaking around, don't get me wrong, but it's definitely not as intense or "scary" as Space Mtn or Big Thunder Mtn. It goes through the Matterhorn and at one point you even meet up with the Abominable Snowman. Use the single rider line if you can, as this ride has no Fastpasses but it desperately needs them- the line for this one usually gets up to between 40min-1 hour and doesn't really let up. Single Rider is your friend here.

Location: Fantasyland
Fastpass Available: No
Ride Duration: 4 Minutes
7. The Little Mermaid ~ Ariel's Undersea Adventure- Another slow moving, story telling ride, like Pooh, The Little Mermaid ride seats you into a shell where you travel through the ocean, meeting up with Ariel, Sebastian, and the rest of the Little Mermaid characters. You are taken through the story and Little Mermaid music plays for the duration. It's an adorable, beautiful ride and all ages will enjoy this one. It's queue is usually extremely short so it's easily worth the wait.
Location: Paradise Pier, California Adventure (on the way to the Corn Dog Castle!!!!)
Fastpass Available: No
Ride Duration: 7 Minutes
8. Toy Story Midway Mania- This super fun ride is actually a game- a series of carnival inspired games you play against the person next to you. Don your 3-D glasses and grab your Spring-Action Shooter and play through animated games such as throwing darts, tossing baseballs, and hitting ducks! Earn points throughout the game and see if you can beat the high scores! This game is fun for all ages, provided they can understand what is going on.
*Plan ahead on this one, as the queue fills up fast and it seems neverending to get through the line. Hit up this ride first thing in the morning, or during World of Color, when the crowds will be minimized.

Location: Paradise Pier, California Adventure
Fastpass Available: No
Ride Duration: 8 Minutes
9. Mater's Junkyard Jamboree- I have to admit, I didn't try this ride until our last trip at Disneyland, when we were so lucky with the lack of crowds we were just walking onto certain rides. We decided to try rides we normally wouldn't stand in line for, and boy am I glad we did, since I discovered that i LOVE THIS RIDE! It's so fun. It's sort of like getting slow, non-painful whiplash for like 5 minutes straight. You are swung and whipped around the junkyard and you can't help but laugh with joy. I would say really young kids probably would get a little scared of this ride, otherwise it's safe for most ages. I don't know what the wait time usually gets up to with this one, but if you walk by and the wait is minimal- get in line! It's worth it, I swear!

Location: Cars Land, California Adventure
Fastpass Available: No
Ride Duration: 2 Minutes
10. Radiator Springs Racers- I'm actually hesitant to put this one my list, but it's such a new and instantly beloved ride I feel I better do it justice. The ride is beautiful- you cruise through the countryside, seeing all the sights that Lightning McQueen would have seen during a scenic drive across the country. You then stop at the shop, where you prep your car for a big race. After you're prepped and ready, you race the car next to you through the rest of the countryside in a fun but altogether too short roller coaster type experience. Overall, the ride is super fun, although I highly recommend enjoying this in the evening, when everything is lit up- it's 100 times more beautiful. The problem with this ride, and the reason it almost didn't make my list, is the absurd wait times that make it nearly impossible to enjoy this ride without designating 1/4 of your entire day getting on it.
Therefore, we ALWAYS go single ride. ALWAYS. The wait times to go together can get up to 2+ HOURS! Single rider is more tolerable, usually at around 30-45 minute or so. Check your apps to take advantage of slow times. Single rider can end up being more fun anyway, if you get in one car and your pal gets into a car you end up racing!
Location: Cars Land, California Adventure
Fastpass Available: Yes, but everyone beelines to the fastpasses, so there is a line the second the park opens. They sell out without 1-2 hours of opening, so if you're not going there first thing in the morning to get one, don't ever count on getting one at all
Ride Duration: 6 Minutes
*The photos I've used in this blog are NOT my own photos, and have been taken from the Disneyland website or a Google image search. I do not take credit for any of these photos as my own, and thank everyone who took such beautiful pictures that I have used here!
**For duration times, I used the following website, which outlines wait times for every ride in both parks: http://touringplans.com/disney-california-adventure/attractions/duration
I agree with everything in this post! Cammie is a Disneyland genius, and you should all listen to her. Now I need to start planning my next trip...