Thursday, December 18, 2014
Hippo and Rhino: A Love Story
So I'm not sure what the school assignment was, or whether I actually followed the prompt or put my own "creative spin" on things, as I often tended to do, but I recently found a story lying around that I wrote in high school, circa probably 2001 or so. It's bound together with yellow ribbon, and the letters on the outside are falling off, but it once read "HIPPO AND RHINO" and is a pure gem of a read for anyone who likes truly awful animal fiction.
Since that's pretty much everyone with a brain, I am re-writing it here for you now. I will not change any language, sentence structure, or spelling as to respect the integrity of 15 year old Cammie the author. I also included photos in my original publication, straight from clip art and glued onto sheets of paper. To give you the full effect, I have taken pictures with my camera and will be inserting them throughout the story as well.
There once was a hippo who was bathing in the hot sun. She wanted to get a beautiful tan to impress the rhino who lived down the river from her. So she sat in the sun, her skin slowly getting darker and darker. And her eyes got heavier and heavier, and soon she was asleep. When she awoke, it was evening, and her skin was as red as a ruby. So she waddled home to soak in aloe Vera and drink lemonade. But as she rubbed the lotion on her body and sunk into a bubble bath, there was a knock at the door. Wrapping a huge towel around herself, she went to the door and opened it to find rhino standing there, with a bouquet of roses.
"Good evening, Hippo," he greeted her with a smile, handing her the deep red flowers.
The hippo looked in disbelief at the roses, then at the smiling Rhino. Her nostrils flared up and her eyes narrowed. "How dare you," she grunted. "That is not funny at all."
Rhino was confused. "What do you mean?"
"You knew I was in love with you and that I was getting a tan to impress you and then I got a sunburn so you decided to go get some red roses to make fun of my red skin and then pretend to love me too. Well guess what, Rhino. I'm not falling for it. So you can just take your roses and go home and think about how mean you are."
The Rhino was now completely baffled. "But, Hippo, that wasn't my plan at all. In fact, I didn't even know-" the rest of his words were abruptly stopped by the slam of the door. He grudgingly walked the rest of the wya home, his head down and the flowers drooping.
**turn page**
* * * *
the next morning, Hippo woke up sore and unhappy. She could not believe that Rhino was so insensitive. Rhino had always been the nice one. He had always been there to comfort her when she needed it. But now, in her deepest time of need, he made fun of her? She was furious, and from then on she vowed never to think of Rhino again.
It didn't work. Everything in her house reminded her of Rhino. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw a chocolate cake on the counter, the one she had made for Rhino, just before he had ruined everything. When she walked into the living room, she was faced with her crimson sofa, the same color as Rhino's hateful roses. And when she walked into her bedroom, she confronted the quilt Rhino had brought her when she was near death the month before. Tears stinging her eyes, Hippo wrapped the warm blanket around herself and lay down on the ground, sobbing until she fell asleep.
* * * *
Rhino awoke miserable. He couldn't believe that Hippo thought he was so insensitive. Why would he ever make fun of Hippo, his one true love? He had brought her flowers as a gift, just to show that he was thinking of his dear friend. But, what had he gotten in return? He had gotten a good lecture and a door slammed in his face. Oh, well, rhino signed, sinking deeper into his pillows. I guess she just doesn't love me. I'll just have to give up. At that thought, a little voice interrupted him- the voice of his great grandfather, the wisest rhino ever to walk the earth.
**turn page**
"Rhino," his voice was deep and echo-ey.
"Yes, great grandfather?" Rhino squeaked, frightened. The wise rhino had never spoken to him before.
"Never give up, Rhino," he commanded. "Hippo loves you, and you must show her that you care about her enough not to take no for an answer. Show her that you love her. Be creative. Be thoughtful. But be kind." And with that, the wise rhino was gone.
Rhino sat on his bed, astounded. That rhino really is wise, he remarked. That was great advice. And with that, he leapt out of bed to try for Hippo's love yet again.
* * * *
A sharp knock awoke Hippo from a horrible dream, once where Rhino had come to see her, only she had turned into a huge tomato, and he just laughed and laughed and laughed.
Hippo stumbled from the ground and waddled to the door, wiping her face dry from her tears and fluffing her hair. She opened the door. There stood Rhino, his arms full of bananas, Hippo's favorite fruit. But, of course, Hippo saw right past the fact that Rhino remembered her favorite food.
"Rhino, what is this?" she cried, her voice loud and piercing. "You come over here with a bunch of bananas! What, are you just showing me what I'll look like once I start peeling? We, and I'm tired of you making fun of my sunburn!! So stop bothering me. In fact, I never want to see you again!" And Rhino was greeted with yet another door slam in his face.
**page turn**
* * * *
Rhino threw the bananas on his kitchen table and groaned. He shook his head in disbelief. How could he have done something like that? He couldn't believe he hadn't made the connection between bananas and peeling. Maybe he really was a cruel and hearless rhinoceros. Maybe he didn't deserve someone as beautiful and as wonderful as Hippo was. Perhaps fate was trying to tell him something. He was just not a loveable guy. With this realization came a deep heartache. He sunk into his comfy chair and stared out into the sky through his window.
He leapt up at the sight he saw. "That's it!" he shouted enthusiastically, throwing his hoof into the air triumphantly. "A note in the sky won't be offensive at all! I'll hire a skywriter to write a message to Hippo in the air, and then she'll know how much I love her and want to be with her!"
He thrust open the door and ran to the nearest skywriter's house.
* * * *
Hippo sat distractedly at her kitchen table, sipping a cup of tea and staring blankly out the window at the sky. She watched as several birds squawked their way across the horizon, plummeting into a freshwater lake below.
She drew in her breath sharply at the sight that appeared next. There were words written in the sky. She didn't have her glasses on, so she had to squint to read the words.
**page turn**
" you!!" she made out. "Charring who? I may be sunburned by I don't hurt anyone else with my warm skin. It's not like I walk by someone and they just explode or burn up or something. What a jerk that Rhino is! I can't believe this- it's bad enough that he embarrasses me in my own home, but does he really have to make fun of me in front of the whole world? How could I ever have loved this man? I mean, other than his blubbery body, his smooth gray skin, and his large tusks, Rhino has no good qualities at all." Putting her head in her hands, Hippo began to cry.
* * * *
Rhino practically skipped to Hippo's house that afternoon. The skywriting had gone flawlessly, the words scripted perfectly into the pale blue sky. He knew that this time, he had finally done something that would get Hippo to love him. How could it have possibly failed? Rhino asked himself with a smile. "Yes, you are a genius," Rhino commented, turning up the walk to Hippo's door. "You've finally done something right." But when the doorbell rang and no one answered, he began to wonder if Hippo had even seen his message. What if she was at the store while she man was writing? Rhino thought frantically. What if she was taking a bath? Or what if she slipped and fell and she's lying dead inside her house with no one to care for her? Oh, I must go in and rescue her! Rhino tried the handle of the door, and when he found it locked did the only other thing possible- he lowered his head, and butted his tusks sharply into the door, knocking it down in one clean thrust.
**page turn**
He rushed through the doorway, and came face to face with Hippo. "Oh, Hippo, thank God you're-"
"Shut up," Hippo snarled, her eyes flashly wildly, nostrils flaring. "Where exactly do you come up with these cruel and heartless ideas? How can you be so evil?"
Rhino looked at her, his face ashen with grief. "Wha- what do you mean? Didn't you see the note in the sky?"
"Oh yes, the little 'note in the sky.' How sweet you are. I can't believe you, telling everyone about my sunburn." Her face turned from angry to disappointed. "I really thought you were better than that, Rhino. I really did."
"But, but Hippo, I didn't tell anyone about your sunburn," Rhino protested, his eyes pleading with hers. "Please, you must believe me. I would never hurt you."
"Then what do you think you did with that phrase in the air, huh? What, you thought I would be thrilled to read it?" She snorted, shaking her head.
Suddenly Rhino realized what had happened. "Hippo," he asked softly, "what exactly did you read in the sky?"
"Don't play dumb, Rhino, you're the one who made it up."
"Please, Hippo, just tell me what you read," he looked pathetically at her, his eyes softening into a look he knew no Hippo could resist.
"It said, 'Hippo is charring you,'" she replied, her voice full of embarrassment.
Rhino burst out laughing. "Hippo, that's not what it said!" he cried.
"It-it's not?" Hippo looked at Rhino uncertainly.
"No, I would never say something like that," Rhino put his hands on Hippo's shoulders.
**page turn**
"Then, what did it really say?" Hippo looked deeply into his eyes.
"It said 'Hippo, I cherish you'. Yes, Hippo, I really do cherish you." Rhino stared back into her eyes.
She smiled shyly, a small tear falling from her face. "You really do?" She laughed. "You really do."
"Yes, Hippo," he gently brushed the tear from her soft face. "I love you more than any other Rhino could love anyone." And with that, he brought his lips softly to hers .
"I love you too, Rhino," Hippo murmured.
And they lived happily together ever after.
David said this was the true story of his life, as women are honestly just as dramatic and ridiculous and poor Hippo. He is probably right.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
A Few Odds and Ends....and a pretty Christmas Wreath
Someone told me I was due for another blog, so here you go. I aint got nothin cool to say, but read it anyway foos. Just do it.
First things first, I was semi-productive last week, creating a wreath to hang from my front door. Granted, I a. didn't have enough candy canes to make the full wreath and b. still have yet to get a hanger thing for the door and actually hang this UP, but it's here when I get to it. Which better be soon since our lease ends in 9 days.
Anyway, here's the wreath. Abbey and I each made one, and we were short two candy canes each to make a full wreath. Instead, we each made a cute stamp design and hung it to fill the empty space. (Oh, and if you are my true friend and liked my facebook page,, you've already seen this. If not, you're a terrible person, go like my page immediately.)
Cammie's Wreath: Abbey's Wreath:

What you need:
20 candy canes (in our case, 18)
Washi tape, any color/design you'd like (the blog we used just used clear tape, but you could see it reflecting and we thought that was lame. so we turned it into a decoration piece instead)
2 Cardboard pieces cut into circles
Stamps, markers, or other decoration along with a piece of cardstock to cover up your ugly cardboard pieces
A glue gun AND E-6000 or other heavy-duty bonding glue
Step 1: cut out your cardboard circles- I used my largest Sizzix scallop circle, I think it's about 3.5 inches in diameter, but basically you just want it to be large enough for you to attach your candy cane ends to with ease. You'll need two circles- one for the bottom, one for the top
Step 2: Attach your candy canes together, back to back, with washi tape- twist it around 1-2 times, making sure the canes lie flat. You can see that Abbey tied hers low on the canes, I did mine higher- we found that after the whole thing was done and dried, it didn't seem to make a difference at all, although I found when moving mine before it was completely bonded, that the higher up seemed more stable at the time. When you're done you should have either 9 (18 total) or 10 (20 total) pairs.
Step 3: Arrange the pairs around in a circle, around your cardboard piece, very tips touching, making sure that all the canes end within the cardboard piece. You should have a bunch of hearts formed between each set. Then, going around the circle, attach your canes to the cardboard piece with your glue gun. I applied the glue and then pressed for 10-15 second to make sure it bonded completely before moving on. Once the canes are all attached to the bottom piece, it will feel very fragile- don't try to pick it up yet! Push it off to the side and let it dry while you make your decorative piece.
Step 4: Taking your cardstock that is cut out the same size as your cardboard circle, add any stamps, stickers, or writing you would like to make your greeting- you can see Abbey's is a stamp that says "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year," while I left mine as just "december 25" and used holiday numbered washi tape to accent it.
Step 5: If you used 20 candy canes, skip to step 6. If you used 18, stay here. You will have a nice gaping hole at the bottom of your wreath. This is where you can really get creative- either add another papercraft, like we did, or you could hang a light ornament, bells, etc- just remember it can't be too heavy. Go ahead and create that piece now, and attach a ribbon to your piece for hanging.
Step 6: Using your E-6000 or other super heavy duty bonding glue, attach your second piece of cardboard to the TOP of your candy canes, lining it up with the bottom piece. I found I had to hold my piece down for 3-4 minutes, applying even pressure, after I applied the glue- the first time it didn't stick at all and I had to really get in there and make sure it stuck.
Step 7 for 20 caners: Using your glue gun or any other adhesive, attach your pretty stamped piece atop your ugly cardboard piece. You should not see any cardboard at this point, just your pretty picture and the pretty unglued portions of your candy canes.
Step 7 for 18 caners: Using your glue gun or any other adhesive, first attach your hanging item to the cardboard piece by gluing ribbon to the cardboard that's been strung through your piece. On Abbey's we actually strung it through an eyelet, but on mine i just taped the ribbon to the back of my snowman because I was lazy. Either way works as long as both sides are attached and it's hanging where you want it. Then, glue your pretty stamped piece on top of that so that the ugly ribbon and cardboard pieces are covered. You should not see any cardboard at this point, just your pretty pictures and the pretty unglued portions of your candy canes.
Step 8: Let dry COMPLETELY for 24 hours and don't play with it, it will be fragile at this point! Once completely dry, it will be sturdy and ready for hanging!! Abbey just used a 3M hook and a ponytail holder, so hang any way you'd like-

There you have it! A super cute diy wreath that cost us all of maybe $2 to make. Thanks Pinterest pinner blogger person I can't find now for the original idea!!
Second of all, I've officially changed the name of my crafting company that will probably never actual sell anything on Etsy or anywhere else. I am now Snail Mail Papercrafts (again, if you're my real friend, you already know this from my facebook page). Snail mail just brings instant images of getting a pretty, homemade card in the mail- the good ol' days of our childhood. I'm aiming to get this feeling back with handmade notecards, non-printable party games and decorations, etc. Plus now I can use a cute little snail for my logo :)
Third of all, I HATE PACKING.
Fourth of all, I'm hoping my next blog entry for you will be from Texas :) stay tuned for an entry in early January!
Oh, special shout out to my pal Dalilah- she's been nothing but the best through this whole Texas ordeal and I wouldn't have made it through without her! AND she liked my facebook page without even being told- take a note, supposed "friends." I can see you.
I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and Happy New Year!
Go make a wreath following my non-illustrated, horrible instructions and tell me how it went :)
Cammie OUT!
Thursday, October 2, 2014
The Giants....and a public apology
The Giants win! The Giants win! Er, they won. Last night. It was epic. I was so happy. And also, alone. David was working until the game, and postgame, had already long since ended. I was at home, all alone, waiting for that 5pm start time, ready with my red vines, Diet root beer, and large bag of sunflower seeds (stress snacks). Half the bag of seeds was gone by the end of the 2nd inning. There was no score, and I was STRESSED. After Crawford hit his grand slam in the 4th, I moved on to actual food, and ditched the sunflower seeds. But I still feel dehydrated. That's not the point of this story. The point is that I was HOME for first pitch. Home for pre-game, even, and it started at 4pm! Friday, the game starts at 12. I'm not going to be home, i'm meeting friends for lunch, but if I was willing to give up my friendships and cancel, i COULD be home. THAT'S the point of this story. Unemployment has opened the doors to things I never even imagined possible- like watching every single Giants game, no matter what time it starts- or ends. MLB At-Bat radio commentary cutting in and out at my desk while Chris calls every 14 seconds to ask me if I've seen the score is a thing of the past. Waiting for nighttime highlights to see all things I could only guess had happened during Jon Miller's radio innings is a pain I no longer have to endure. Now, it's just me and my cat and the remote and a life full of joy once again.
I have this extreme paranoia about becoming just like Marshall in How I Met Your Mother, when he is unemployed and depressed and suddenly stops wearing the house, getting the paper, then even out to dinner......the other night it was like 7pm and David got home from work just as I was hopping in the shower.....he asked "what is the point of showering this late at night, you already went the whole day in your pjs, why bother showering now?" To wash the Marshall off, that's what! I refuse to stop showering just because I have nowhere to go.....for goodness sakes, what if there's a fire?!
I have, however, apparently forgotten basic hygeine steps despite my desire to shower daily.....three days now I have forgotten, just completely forgotten to put on deoderant. Gross, right? What's grosser? Two out of three of those days I LEFT THE HOUSE that way. yeah. I didn't just forget to put on deoderant after showering, just to put on new pjs and sit my ass back down on the couch. Nope. I WENT OUTSIDE like that. Shopped. Maybe even hugged a family member, i don't remember. But I bet they do. I bet that horrible, disgusting, pungent hug is engrained in their minds forever. Like the time I had to hug a vegan who had stopped shaving her armpits- and was wearing a tank top. I will never forget that hug. And neither will anyone who was victim to my deoderant-less body those days. For everyone who was affected, please accept my sincere and deepest apologies. It was never my intent to make you endure this horrific tragedy and steps have been taken to prevent this at all costs in the future.
I have this extreme paranoia about becoming just like Marshall in How I Met Your Mother, when he is unemployed and depressed and suddenly stops wearing the house, getting the paper, then even out to dinner......the other night it was like 7pm and David got home from work just as I was hopping in the shower.....he asked "what is the point of showering this late at night, you already went the whole day in your pjs, why bother showering now?" To wash the Marshall off, that's what! I refuse to stop showering just because I have nowhere to go.....for goodness sakes, what if there's a fire?!
I have, however, apparently forgotten basic hygeine steps despite my desire to shower daily.....three days now I have forgotten, just completely forgotten to put on deoderant. Gross, right? What's grosser? Two out of three of those days I LEFT THE HOUSE that way. yeah. I didn't just forget to put on deoderant after showering, just to put on new pjs and sit my ass back down on the couch. Nope. I WENT OUTSIDE like that. Shopped. Maybe even hugged a family member, i don't remember. But I bet they do. I bet that horrible, disgusting, pungent hug is engrained in their minds forever. Like the time I had to hug a vegan who had stopped shaving her armpits- and was wearing a tank top. I will never forget that hug. And neither will anyone who was victim to my deoderant-less body those days. For everyone who was affected, please accept my sincere and deepest apologies. It was never my intent to make you endure this horrific tragedy and steps have been taken to prevent this at all costs in the future.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
File Folder Frenzy!
Who would have thought that Mercury would have continued to improve my life even post-employment? Certainly not me. And yet here we are! I'm writing a whole blog about it. Doesn't get more life-improving that getting a whole blog dedicated just to you. So thank you, Mercury Insurance. Thank you for going paperless and leaving a bunch of unused file folders laying around needing a home. The home they found was with me.
And what use are they now? Weeeelllll, who would have thought that file folder paper is just thick and pliable enough to make the PERFECT blank cardstock for making notecards? Not I! But I am not the proud parent of a potential 600 blank notecards all courtesy of good ol' Merc. Here's an example below. Is it bad that I got a weird sense of satisfaction chopping up all those file folders? It's funny, I got more of a sense of nostalgia looking at those than I have remembering anything else about Mercury thus far- I was weirdly flooded back to my file clerking days, 5 of us in the files shoving them in as fast as possible, pulling mail asap, just knowing drop would soon follow and we had not a second to lose! Ohhh how the times have changed. Now I'm desecrating these beloved folders. Boo hoo.
So here's a card I'm making now, sets of notecards in a few different colors I think. Dark blue, dark purple, burgundy....we'll see. For now, it's blue. Also don't judge, this is clearly not perfect....I was ripping and retaping stuff for like an hour trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I would never sell a product that looks like this!
Recycle, Reduce, Reuse! Enclose the loop! Yep that's me. Just doing my part for good ol' Mother Earth. You're welcome!
Oh- and I started watching Veronica Mars while I craft (I know, can you say 12 years late anyone?). That show is inTENSE! I just finished season 1 last night. The most fun part I think is seeing all these "guest stars" popping up......JTT was an FBI agent. Parks and Rec's Adam Scott played a teacher accused of sleeping with a student (spoiler alert- he was GUILTY! She had the lovechild belly to prove it!)......Max Greenfield (Schmidt, New Girl) even has a recurring role as her love interest in Season 1 as well (he has this weird sideways talking mouthy lispy thing going on and it's sooooooooooooooooooo annoying- thank the lord he had the common sense to cut THAT out before he got a real staring role in something).
Anyway, I think I made like 100 Mercury cardstock bases while watching the last couple episodes of the season last was like a nervous habit....chop trim fold, chop trim fold....that show just makes you so tense you don't even know what you're DOING other than screaming and gasping every 14 seconds.....the plot twists just keep coming!
I'll start season 2 tonight probably. I hope Logan doesn't hate Veronica too much for accusing him of being the killer and getting him thrown in jail temporarily. Among other things. He's kind of a douchey douche but also pretty much the best so they really should continue non-dating. Tonight we shall find out!
Friday, September 12, 2014
Week One- even lazier than expected
I've become a product reviewer.
Yes. My sad life has become even sadder.
I just went through my Amazon purchase history and I think I reviewed like 18 things in a row. Who does that? Bored retirees, I suppose. Restaurants, watch out!! I've only yelp reviewed once (it was NOT nice..... but this is quickly going to go on my list of passions in my future as a retired crafty housewife. I can feel the need for voicing my rude opinions on a regular's boiling in my bones just waiting to come out!
The purpose of this blog was to show you recipes, crafting ideas, diy gifts, etc as I did them in the hopes that you'd believe I was having a great time being unemployed and all alone with my cat all day long.
The unfortunate fact of the matter is that I haven't done any of those things during my first week of "freedom" hence the lack of blogs thus far. I've been incredibly, embarrassingly lazy and I feel it's only going to get worse. So here's what I've done so far. Maybe sadly writing it all out will make me feel sorry enough for myself that I will actually do something useful......
I've read like 6 of our Love Stories, a set of YA books that Abbey and I used to read when we were younger, and decided last summer to re-read our way through them all. We even made a blog, where we were going to mock each book as we finished them in an uproarious amazing rendition that would excite and amuse all our many, many followers.
Unfortunately, we fell back in love with them :( how freaking embarrassing! But it just brought us back to that time in our lives, at 13 when these stories were so real and wonderful to us and somehow, we were re-touched by the Love bug. So, we're still getting ourselves through them all, buying used ones from Amazon and trading off as we go, and I am weeding my way through the most recent set I got from Abbey. I think we have about 15 or 20 more to go. I will probably finish 20 in the next week :( and THEN what will I do?? Read ADULT novels with actual substance?? ICK! where's the adolescent reminiscent fun in THAT? Maybe I'll have to bust out the Boxcar Children next.......
On Tuesday, David had the day off and we had to Dexter to the vet for yet another nasty breakout. When we got home, we randomly on a whim decided to check Giants ticket prices and lo and behold, a steal of a deal was waiting just for us! Field club, row N, right above the visitors dugout for only $40 apiece. It was like a sign from the heavens. We must go! Was the outcry. From me. Luckily David agreed, and the game was amazing. Not only was it the shortest game we've ever been to, but Petit made history and Panik had his first major league 5 hit game of his career. Great to be a part of that standing ovation- I love that lil fella! The best part was, really, that we even had the ability to just GO to the game at all. If i was working that would never ever happen. We would never have a day off together. So that in itself confirmed for me that while I haven't been to Michaels in a WEEK, this was still the right decision.
Not being at work and seeing all the people I've seen 40+ hours a week for the last 8 years has definitely been strange. Especially since the things I normally would talk to them about are no longer applicable to me, so it's harder to even have a conversation with them at this point anyway.....oh what? Endorsements? lol I don't even remember how to do those. OT? But....The Middle always comes on at 5 and 530, why would you stay late when you could have your pjs on and watch those instead.....ohhh, right, you need to get your directory cleared out- forgot all about that thing. It's an odd, lonely feeling, but I am glad everyone will at least be seeing an increase in productivity without me there bugging them all day long! Although, I did just have to share a dream I had with Melanie even though I'm sure she was thinking "omg, really? I thought i was done with you!" Jeremy Affeldt was the IT guy at my new job and Emmy Rossum (Shameless) was training me in her wedding dress. I felt that was worth a share. Probably not. I did anyway.
Tonight I'm trying a Pinterest recipe, most of these are disasters but this particular one has a LOT of positive reviews so I'm really hoping it works out better than the normal ones I find on there. It's called "no-peek beef tips" and I'm homemaking some mashed potatoes as well. That way if the beef is gnarly we can just eat our body weight in mashed potatoes instead. I'll let you know how it turns out.
I saw a commercial the other day, I think a Ford or Subaru commercial, and they were pulling a travel trailer- my first thought was UGH TRAILERS!!! followed quickly by- wait- I don't ever have to add a trailer again, I love trailers!! Hooray trailers! Insurance company commercials that spin normal underwriting procedures to be special still bug me though. "if you're a good driver, we have a VERY special discount for you! Distinguished driver!" oh wooowwww, that sounds amazing, I sure can't get a discount for being a good driver anywhere else! UGH. Hopefully my irritation with those will go away next. We'll see.
Yes. My sad life has become even sadder.
I just went through my Amazon purchase history and I think I reviewed like 18 things in a row. Who does that? Bored retirees, I suppose. Restaurants, watch out!! I've only yelp reviewed once (it was NOT nice..... but this is quickly going to go on my list of passions in my future as a retired crafty housewife. I can feel the need for voicing my rude opinions on a regular's boiling in my bones just waiting to come out!
The purpose of this blog was to show you recipes, crafting ideas, diy gifts, etc as I did them in the hopes that you'd believe I was having a great time being unemployed and all alone with my cat all day long.
The unfortunate fact of the matter is that I haven't done any of those things during my first week of "freedom" hence the lack of blogs thus far. I've been incredibly, embarrassingly lazy and I feel it's only going to get worse. So here's what I've done so far. Maybe sadly writing it all out will make me feel sorry enough for myself that I will actually do something useful......
I've read like 6 of our Love Stories, a set of YA books that Abbey and I used to read when we were younger, and decided last summer to re-read our way through them all. We even made a blog, where we were going to mock each book as we finished them in an uproarious amazing rendition that would excite and amuse all our many, many followers.
Unfortunately, we fell back in love with them :( how freaking embarrassing! But it just brought us back to that time in our lives, at 13 when these stories were so real and wonderful to us and somehow, we were re-touched by the Love bug. So, we're still getting ourselves through them all, buying used ones from Amazon and trading off as we go, and I am weeding my way through the most recent set I got from Abbey. I think we have about 15 or 20 more to go. I will probably finish 20 in the next week :( and THEN what will I do?? Read ADULT novels with actual substance?? ICK! where's the adolescent reminiscent fun in THAT? Maybe I'll have to bust out the Boxcar Children next.......
On Tuesday, David had the day off and we had to Dexter to the vet for yet another nasty breakout. When we got home, we randomly on a whim decided to check Giants ticket prices and lo and behold, a steal of a deal was waiting just for us! Field club, row N, right above the visitors dugout for only $40 apiece. It was like a sign from the heavens. We must go! Was the outcry. From me. Luckily David agreed, and the game was amazing. Not only was it the shortest game we've ever been to, but Petit made history and Panik had his first major league 5 hit game of his career. Great to be a part of that standing ovation- I love that lil fella! The best part was, really, that we even had the ability to just GO to the game at all. If i was working that would never ever happen. We would never have a day off together. So that in itself confirmed for me that while I haven't been to Michaels in a WEEK, this was still the right decision.
Not being at work and seeing all the people I've seen 40+ hours a week for the last 8 years has definitely been strange. Especially since the things I normally would talk to them about are no longer applicable to me, so it's harder to even have a conversation with them at this point anyway.....oh what? Endorsements? lol I don't even remember how to do those. OT? But....The Middle always comes on at 5 and 530, why would you stay late when you could have your pjs on and watch those instead.....ohhh, right, you need to get your directory cleared out- forgot all about that thing. It's an odd, lonely feeling, but I am glad everyone will at least be seeing an increase in productivity without me there bugging them all day long! Although, I did just have to share a dream I had with Melanie even though I'm sure she was thinking "omg, really? I thought i was done with you!" Jeremy Affeldt was the IT guy at my new job and Emmy Rossum (Shameless) was training me in her wedding dress. I felt that was worth a share. Probably not. I did anyway.
Tonight I'm trying a Pinterest recipe, most of these are disasters but this particular one has a LOT of positive reviews so I'm really hoping it works out better than the normal ones I find on there. It's called "no-peek beef tips" and I'm homemaking some mashed potatoes as well. That way if the beef is gnarly we can just eat our body weight in mashed potatoes instead. I'll let you know how it turns out.
I saw a commercial the other day, I think a Ford or Subaru commercial, and they were pulling a travel trailer- my first thought was UGH TRAILERS!!! followed quickly by- wait- I don't ever have to add a trailer again, I love trailers!! Hooray trailers! Insurance company commercials that spin normal underwriting procedures to be special still bug me though. "if you're a good driver, we have a VERY special discount for you! Distinguished driver!" oh wooowwww, that sounds amazing, I sure can't get a discount for being a good driver anywhere else! UGH. Hopefully my irritation with those will go away next. We'll see.
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