Who would have thought that Mercury would have continued to improve my life even post-employment? Certainly not me. And yet here we are! I'm writing a whole blog about it. Doesn't get more life-improving that getting a whole blog dedicated just to you. So thank you, Mercury Insurance. Thank you for going paperless and leaving a bunch of unused file folders laying around needing a home. The home they found was with me.
And what use are they now? Weeeelllll, who would have thought that file folder paper is just thick and pliable enough to make the PERFECT blank cardstock for making notecards? Not I! But I am not the proud parent of a potential 600 blank notecards all courtesy of good ol' Merc. Here's an example below. Is it bad that I got a weird sense of satisfaction chopping up all those file folders? It's funny, I got more of a sense of nostalgia looking at those than I have remembering anything else about Mercury thus far- I was weirdly flooded back to my file clerking days, 5 of us in the files shoving them in as fast as possible, pulling mail asap, just knowing drop would soon follow and we had not a second to lose! Ohhh how the times have changed. Now I'm desecrating these beloved folders. Boo hoo.
So here's a card I'm making now, sets of notecards in a few different colors I think. Dark blue, dark purple, burgundy....we'll see. For now, it's blue. Also don't judge, this is clearly not perfect....I was ripping and retaping stuff for like an hour trying to figure out what I wanted to do. I would never sell a product that looks like this!
Recycle, Reduce, Reuse! Enclose the loop! Yep that's me. Just doing my part for good ol' Mother Earth. You're welcome!
Oh- and I started watching Veronica Mars while I craft (I know, can you say 12 years late anyone?). That show is inTENSE! I just finished season 1 last night. The most fun part I think is seeing all these "guest stars" popping up......JTT was an FBI agent. Parks and Rec's Adam Scott played a teacher accused of sleeping with a student (spoiler alert- he was GUILTY! She had the lovechild belly to prove it!)......Max Greenfield (Schmidt, New Girl) even has a recurring role as her love interest in Season 1 as well (he has this weird sideways talking mouthy lispy thing going on and it's sooooooooooooooooooo annoying- thank the lord he had the common sense to cut THAT out before he got a real staring role in something).
Anyway, I think I made like 100 Mercury cardstock bases while watching the last couple episodes of the season last night...it was like a nervous habit....chop trim fold, chop trim fold....that show just makes you so tense you don't even know what you're DOING other than screaming and gasping every 14 seconds.....the plot twists just keep coming!
I'll start season 2 tonight probably. I hope Logan doesn't hate Veronica too much for accusing him of being the killer and getting him thrown in jail temporarily. Among other things. He's kind of a douchey douche but also pretty much the best so they really should continue non-dating. Tonight we shall find out!